Ya know how people always make jokes and references to how happy and unbothered golden retrievers are regardless of what’s going on around them? Well, I had this realization the other day and thought ..
“What if I decided to just be a golden retriever?“
What if I decided to take that perspective and apply it to my everyday life? Surprisingly (or I guess fittingly), applying the golden retriever energy to my everyday life has actually been easier than I thought. For the past two weeks, I’ve been really focusing on all the positive things in my life and not dwelling on the negative ones. I’m so used to the old saying, “When it rains it pours,” but these past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on reminding myself that dancing in the rain can be just as fun.
However, I have found some days harder than others when it comes to finding the hidden rainbow. On those days, I just had to remind myself that it’s healthy to express your emotions and not essentially pretend that something hasn’t happened to alter your mood. Some people live by never letting anything get their mood down, and perhaps that works for them, but I think the idea of forced positivity isn’t rooted in honesty. Personally, being honest with myself is one of those things I’m actively working on. But learning how to be honest in a positive manner, isn’t the easiest concept to re-wire your brain into, yet, it is one I’m determined to master.
And I’m not naive. I know that life isn’t as easy as just waking up and “choosing happiness”. Sometimes life really gives you a run for your money. I’m just coming to learn that there’s no rule saying we can’t fight back. Sometimes that fight comes in the form of therapy, spending time with friends, or simply just canceling plans because what you really need is time to yourself.
As a true people pleaser, I have struggled most of my life with prioritizing everyone else’s needs over my own. But maybe that’s the whole freaking point of being a completely carefree, wild golden retriever. Enjoying every single moment of life, for you.
So here’s to letting your hair down and finally saying no to everyone else and yes to yourself.
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